Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Walk in the Forest

This is the "forest" that I went for a walk in on Sunday. It is not really a forest, more a grove, of redwood trees, California's state tree.

1 comment:

Olivier said...

une belle photo bucolique, qui me donne envie de chanter
"Promenons-nous dans les bois
Pendant que le loup n’y est pas.
Si le loup y était Il nous mangerait
Mais comme il n’y est pas,
Il nous mangera pas.
Loup y es-tu ?
Entends-tu ?
Que fais-tu ?....." ;o)

a beautiful bucolic picture, which makes me want to sing
"We walk in the woods
While the wolf is not.
If the wolf was We eat
But as there is not
We eat it.
Loup y es-tu?
Do you hear?
What do you ?....." ;o)